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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

My Killerton House project was one of my favourite projects so far. It was a great oportunity to show our work in this exhibit so thousands of people to see all the hard work we had all done. It is also a great opportunity for us to get feed back from the public on why they like our work or if they didnt. However I was so pleased with my final outcome I had worked so hard to involve everything that captured the essance of Killerton house and the grounds. If you guys want to find out more about Killerton or how you can visit click here.

Although as a result of work on my project every sencond I hacve been unable to keep you up to date with how my work is going, however I do have some sneak peak images of my final outcome from my photoshoot..... and inside Killerton; which you will be able to go and visit soon.

A few image from a quick photoshoot:


I hope this had made you more interested in going to visit and see everyone amzing work.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Important notice!!!!!

On Friday the 21st of March Sophie Stennett and I will be on BBC Radio Devon for the first time ever :/ to talk about our previous project we did for the Nation Trust Property, Killerton House. Tune in between 12.00-3.00 on Friday to here about the amazing project and when you can visit!!!! :):)

If you didn't already know I am in my last year of college and as a result our last and final project is coming up we have to produce a FMP; Final Major Project. So watch this space to see what I will coming up with for this project.

Friday, 7 March 2014


Before now I had no idea about file type and how important they really are, so here is a short post to help learn what the really are and what they do.
A file extension is a string of different file names that let the user and their computer know what type of file the document is run on. These are usually proceeded by a full stop to indicate the file type.
File types include: PSD/ JPG/ TIFF/ PNG/ GIF/
PSD- A PSD file (Photoshop Document) is layered image used in Adobe Photoshop. It is a format that Photoshop uses to save documents that allows users to work save yet re-work into layers even when the file had been saved.
JPG- A JPG file (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a file for compressing graphic file such as images. This is the most commonly used file for saving any type of images. However with changing a file to a JPG it tends to reduce the quality of the images or document.
TIFF- A TIFF file (Tag Image File Format) is similar to a JPG it compresses a file so it is suitable for moving around. printing and it doesnt take up as much memory a file such as a PSD.
GIF- A GIF file (Graphics Interchange Format) is a specially designed file made for graphical designers and web tech designers who may use it for bulletin boards or logo design. This type of file is not avaliable for everyone it does reqire a certain downloaded system.
PNG- A PNG file (Portable Network Graphics) is a back up or replacment file for a GIF file. It works in the same way as a GIF file however it is set up by two different companies. However a PNG file is avaliable to use freely.